Monday, 25 March 2013

Snapshot of Today's Outfit.

Thought I would share a little snapshot of today's outfit! Frankly, the combination of Marilyn Monroe and polka-dots  are too super cute not to. :)

Peter Pan collar vest: Red Herring @ Debenhams.

Marilyn Monroe Scrabble Tile Necklace: Ebay. 

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Just a note to say...

I've settled on a new blog name. So instead of the (lets face it) rather poor 'Books and Tea and Bumblebees', we have 'Poets Love Bees' which I find infinitely more enjoyable. I've been reading a lot of poetry lately and poets really do seem to love bees. Just the other day I picked up Carol Ann Duffy's collection of poems called 'The Bees', which has a gorgeous cover and many poems on her fascination with the insects! I guess I found it interesting, knowing that Sylvia Plath found beekeeping therapeutic too. One of my favourites, Keats's 'To Autumn', talks about bees too. When you stop and think about it, they are a most satisfyingly industrious creature. Anyway, so that is the intelligible ramblings of my mind which facilitated the change.

On an unrelated note, I am quite ashamed of my lack of posts when I started out so eager to write and share when I made this blog! Semester two is hurtling to a close now and so for the next couple of weeks I should have ample opportunity for blogging. I'm going to set myself some new challenges, which hopefully can keep my depression and anxiety at bay:

  • Learning to play guitar. 
  • Honing my cooking skills. (I have both Vintage Tea Party cookbooks which are just divine but I have yet to attempt any of their creations!)
  • Catching up on my goal to read 100 books this year. (only 10 so far...eep!)
  • Crafting again. I lament how little time there is to be creative at University, whereas when I'm at home I'm forever sewing or knitting something.
  • And, if the Great British weather decides to buck it's ideas up deliver our Spring, then perhaps a spot of gardening too!
Jasmine x